BBVA, Barclays Capital, Calion, Deutsche Bank und HSBC platzieren eine Anleihe des spanischen Fund for Ordered Bank Restructuring (FROB) im Volumen von 3 Mrd. Euro.
Issuer: Fund for Ordered Bank Restructuring (FROB)
Rating: Aaa/AA+/AAA by Moody's, S&P and Fitch Guarantee
explicit, unconditional and irrevocable Guarantor
The Kingdom of Spain Risk-weighting.0% RWA, confirmed by the Bank of Spain Amount
EUR 3bn (will not grow)
Coupon: Fix, annual, Act/Act ICMA
Maturity: 19-Nov-2014 (5 years)
Settlement: 19-Nov-2009 (T+5)
Denoms: 50k/50k
Guidance: ms + 25/+30 BPs
Leads: BBVA/Barc/Cal/DB/HSBC
Timing: books open, today's business!